December 21, 2007

questions for myself

I'm currently thinking of my goals for 2008 (as if writing my thesis, graduating, and getting married weren't enough!) One that sticks out in my brain is to honestly answer these questions every day:
  1. Have I treasured Christ above all today?
  2. Have I treasured Krissi above all but Christ?

I'm realizing that I can really hurt Krissi if I'm not careful, even with little things like my reactions to comments or my attitudes when I talk to her. Then, it's so easy to project the eventual annoyance I feel at her reactions onto her and think/act even worse towards her. This is crap; I'm supposed to treasure her and treat her as Christ did me - sacrificing for me, loving me unconditionally, protecting me, providing for me, all while being real yet strong. I want to always be able to answer these questions positively and authentically.

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